Something Fun
I'm sick of politics, lets do something fun!!. What is the wackiest, silliest or craziest thing you can think of that has ever happened to someone in this family?
This is "My Place" All are welcome and feel free to leave your comments. If anything of interest should occur in my life, you will be the first to know. HA HA
At 6:49 PM,
Suzette said…
I think Aunt Jody and You are the two with the nuttiest happenings. I always tell Aunt Sue stories. Oh, and now Liddia. Quite an eventful night for Liddia at the Tom Petty concert, I hear. ROFL! But I'll let her tell it, should she choose to accept this mission.
At 9:32 PM,
Gary Brownlee said…
What happened at the Tom Petty concert?
At 11:57 PM,
Suzette said…
Well, there was the time I couldn't figure out why my little cat, Bob, was so greasy looking, Then I found out Liddia and Courtney "washed" him with an entire $30 bottle of conditioner.
Or when Roy made us a big dinner of steamed mussels and grilled zucchini except he apparently couldn't smell because they were actually cucumbers which are, not suprisingly, really awful when grilled.
Or when my mom gave Robin paint thinner when we went camping, instead of her medicine.
At 8:18 AM,
KSR said…
I think she knew it was paint thinner
At 8:38 AM,
Liddia said…
I am not sure about the Tom Petty concert, I have a foggy memory of that night. I did have an incident and the Allman brothers concert in the bathroom. Let me start by saying I was not intoxicated in any way. I went to the bathroom, which was horrible, there was toilet paper everywhere and pee all over the seat. SO, I attempted to hover. Well it didn't work out so well and I spent the rest of the night being harassed by Bridget who insisted she smelled something. And then after everything I would say Bridget would say "I don't know it DEPENDS". That is my funny story.
At 8:41 AM,
Liddia said…
You know we could discuss the time my mother took us to swimming lessons and had an accident in her pants. Or the time she got naked in Value City. Or the time she broke down in her famous nightgown, you know the one where the arm holes hung down to her midsection, right in front of the courthouse. Poor Aunt Linda had to rescue her.
At 9:40 AM,
Suzette said…
I wondered how to spell it but is that real name? or a nickname?
At 10:04 AM,
Robin said…
Jordan and I were driving back from PA and we stopped for coffee. We were in the car and Jordan looks at her cup and said oooh Le Gacy, in a bad french accent, our coffee is french. I busted out laughing her cup said legacy.
At 10:20 AM,
Gary Brownlee said…
Those are hilarious. One time I went to a highschool football game with Dad and he somehow managed to lock the keys inside the car with the car running!
Or the time Sue and Jackie and I went to Dad and Betty's for Thanksgiving and Betty dropped the bowl full of gizzards or something all over the place and Dad went apeshit on Betty for the remainder of Thanksgiving.
There's also the time that Tommy was visiting Rachel and me at our place in Queens and he dropped his keys inside the mailbox while mailing a letter and had to wait on the street for a few hours for the mailman to come and get his keys back for him.
At 11:00 AM,
KSR said…
Gary, Dad set the gizzards on top of the refrigerator and they fell off when he opened the freezer door and then he blamed it on Betty
At 12:01 PM,
Suzette said…
Or Robin, the time she told me she wanted to lose weight cause she felt like a cow. So a couple minutes later I said something and she turned and very seriously said "Moo?" I almost died laughing. She meant "Who?"
At 12:21 PM,
Gary Brownlee said…
Okay, that makes a lot more sense. All I remember are gizzards flying all over the place and Dad calling Betty every name in the book. It was not the most relaxing Thanksgiving ever.
At 12:38 PM,
Liddia said…
When are any holidays relaxing with this family!
At 3:16 PM,
Gary Brownlee said…
I just remembered this. Didn't Robin see a ghost sitting on a basketball eating fried chicken when she was little? Well, anyway wheter she did or not that's the way I remember it.
Well a few years ago we were sitting around and talking and I told that story and our friend Giuseppi (who happens to be black) said "must have been a black ghost! Of course it was really funny and everybody cracked up but you know I never thought of that. Hey Robin - was it a black ghost or what?
At 4:21 PM,
Robin said…
lol Gary, I don't remember, but he was always there. Cole sees things in his closet too, we have to keep the door shut. Must be hereditary.
I will leave the telling of the Buffalo Bills story up to Suzette as I have blocked it from my memory.
At 7:02 PM,
Suzette said…
Robin and I went to WIT together for drafting. One day in the break room the guys were all talking about the super bowl and Robin asked who was playing. They said the Buffalo Bills. Robin's reply, "I know, I meant where are they from?"
At 7:03 PM,
Suzette said…
What about the darn vampire that rode it's bicycle by Aunt Sue's car following Tommy around? Perhaps it was a relative of the chicken eating basketball sitter.
At 10:10 PM,
Liddia said…
At 10:52 AM,
Gary Brownlee said…
Yeah, that's the first I've heard of the vampire.
At 12:39 PM,
Suzette said…
If I remember correctly there were two imaginary friends in Tommy's childhood. I think the other had an actual name.
At 1:19 PM,
Liddia said…
I know he had an imaginary friend named Cindy Braden.
At 1:31 PM,
KSR said…
I don't remember the vampire thing either, but I do remember Cindy Braden who was a member of the family for a long time. But I also remember the leprechaun that grabbed Gary by the leg when he was coming out of the bedroom and knocked him to the ground!!
At 3:30 PM,
Gary Brownlee said…
I've heard the leprechaun story before but I can't remember it myself. Didn't it have something to do with an episode of Bonanza?
At 11:53 AM,
Lori said…
Ask my mom about the time when Jim had surgery and we were on the way to the hospital and she had to pee.
At 1:35 PM,
KSR said…
What about the time the two Larrys were on their way home from Canada and Larry Sr,. Had to go to the BR. Ask Larry Jr. about that one!!!
At 1:56 PM,
Suzette said…
Or the time driving across the country when my dad went to sleep in the car after telling my mom to follow the truck route and awoke to find that she had followed the truck in front of us.
At 1:58 PM,
Suzette said…
Or the snow shovel car with the non existent defrosters. Nothing compared to a ride in that car. We'd be driving down the road, and the snow shovel that was propping the drivers seat up would shift and the seat would fly backwards, leaving my mom hanging by the steering wheel. Safety was not the primary concern when getting this car.
At 2:18 PM,
Suzette said…
How about the first day Bridget had her drivers license and she knocked down every mailbox in the trailer court?
At 3:43 PM,
Gary Brownlee said…
When we were in Colorado in '72 we went fishing and I ended up catching Larry, Jr.!
At 4:24 PM,
Suzette said…
I remember that, right through the lip if I remember correctly.
At 5:23 PM,
Gary Brownlee said…
Yup, just like a fish. We went to the hospital where the doctor cut the barb off, took the hook out and gave him a tetanus shot. At least that's the way I remember it.
I also remember catching about a million tadpoles and keeping them in buckets in your garage. Then one day they were just all gone! The "grown-ups" told us that the dog drank up all the water and the tadpoles with it. It didn't occur to me until much later that that was probably a giant lie!
At 5:33 PM,
Gary Brownlee said…
In the summer of 1976 Steven, Frank and I went to Willowgrove to stay with Larry Jr. and Mike and their lovely parents Larry Sr. and Linda. Lori was shipped to western PA for the summer. Well....
One morning Steven, Larry, Mike and I realized that we were all up and Frank was still asleep. We decided this would be the perfect time to test the theory that if you place a sleeping person's hand into warm water they'll wet themselves. So we got some warm water for the experiment, dipped Frank's hand into the water and waited for the fun to happen...but nothing happened. So, we decided to pour the water on his pajamas instead and go downstairs for breakfast.
Not too long after that we noticed Frank sheepishly approach Linda and whisper something. We knew damn well what he was saying and we all almost pissed ourselves with all the laughing. We didn't make Frank piss himself but we did manage to make him THINK he pissed himself!
See kids, science is fun!
At 4:08 AM,
spork360 said…
I remember that... and I knew about the water being poured on me...
what about the time bridgerella went to file the accident report after wrecking the car the first time and wrecked it a second time....
or how about the time liddia was rollerskating upstairs and tommy wheeled her to the steps to push her down.....
oh wait...what about tommy getting out of the car and asked to be "squirted by gas, my mom always does" (I think "uncle gary" was the one there for that??)...
or....suzy.... looking across the field and saying look it's so foggy you can't see that church over there???
aaand yes...I remember mom falling backwards when the shovel would let was like watching a poor stranded turtle on it's back trying for dear life to save itself!!!!
oh yea and one time after my mom bought a car (quoted by the fine dealer ...."don't floor it by the cops") and being told by us not to buy it she bought it anyway, alas....later she drove it into a corn field when the steering failed...and then found out it was put together without an oil dipstick hole... aaaaand then bridgerella's fine mechanic friends decided to work on it and took it apart at the mansion house (restaurant) and couldn't put it back together!! buuuut... she returned the car...and got the whole 90 bucks????or hundred bucks back because he was so nice to write the sales receipt for about 900 bucks below the actual sales price....
At 4:12 AM,
spork360 said…
aaaand I have a written letter from liddia that she sent to me when i was in the navy....i'll scan it soon and put it on here... she asks me how my navy life is in "egipt"???.
At 7:56 AM,
Bridget said…
OK, I was there for the whole Allman Brothers incident with Liddia. I remember Aunt Sue? breaking Grandma's kitchen chair one time while playing cards. She was on the floor in front of the fridge looking like she had serious spinal injuries and Grandma was yelling... "My mother's chair, you broke my mother's chair". It was hysterical. My favorite story to tell my patients at work is the standard Buyer Beware lesson and it involves Liddia, Ebay, and a lovely table.....
At 9:48 AM,
Suzette said…
Okay, since nobody else has told the e-bay story I will. Liddia found e-bay and bought herself some vinyl, and an old turntable to play them on. Getting in the swing of things she saw a table for an incredibly low price and thought how well her new turntable would look on it. She was impressed with herself for the great deal she was getting, low shipping and all. Then it arrives in the mail, and . . . wait for it . . . it's a couple inches high, dollhouse furniture. This is why folks are told to ALWAYS READ THE FINE PRINT. hehehehehehe
At 11:20 AM,
Liddia said…
I meant to do that.
At 12:13 PM,
Matt said…
Liddia how about the time at our family reunion where you almost broke your nose with your boobs?
At 12:15 PM,
Matt said…
I wish i had the picture to post of grandma riding off into the sunset at disney world with all the planets around her. "boldly going where no woman has ever gone before"
At 12:41 PM,
Suzette said…
I have a disney picture to post as soon as I scan it. It involves yellow braids.
At 3:50 PM,
Lori said…
Matt we have video of Liddia's boob bouncing reunion if I knew how I'd put it on the computer.
At 6:55 PM,
Jordan said…
haha I know what picture aunt suzette is talking about!! I'm absolutely positive you should scan it and put it on here.
At 8:39 PM,
Liddia said…
Lori, you are going to be in some serious trouble!!
At 9:13 PM,
Bridget said…
My mom riding off into the sunset at Disney World would have been great video. She was parking her scooter.. yes I said scooter... and we were at Mission to Mars so this Star Trek like music was blasting around us, and as she drove away Matt, Jordan, and I narrated kind of like the opening scene of Star Trek. When she came over she kept saying "what? what's so funny?"
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